Municipal Contacts
To email any of the following municipal contacts click on any of the underlined position titles.
CAO - Kelly Pender
Clerk - Lori Crellin
Deputy Treasurer - Kate Lessard
Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator - Lucas Wales
Tax & Property Assistant - Julianne Chambers
Administration & Public Works Assistant - Hannah Munnings
Public Works Manager - Ryan Reid
Public Works Supervisor - Trevor Prevost
By-Law Enforcement Officer - Kevin Gauthier
***Please direct all By-law concerns/complaints to the Municipal Office.
Fire Chief - Derrick Little - 613-478-2535
Fire Prevention Officer - Sean Porter
Fire Hall Location - 127 River St. W., Tweed
613-478-3083 (Messages Only)
Community Development Manager - Rachelle Hardesty
Community Development Coordinator - Cindy Chow
Recreation Supervisor – Jason Baptie - 613-478-2535 or 613-478-2320 (Arena)
Arena Location – 297 St. Joseph St., Tweed
Waste Site Supervisor – Dan Cassidy
Waste Disposal Site Location – 831 Marlbank Rd., Tweed
Chief Building Official - Richard Cook
Deputy Chief Building Official - Skylor Genereaux
Animal Control Officer - Kevin Baker - 613-847-7784
Animal Pound Location - Quinte Humane Society, 527 Avonlough Rd., Belleville - 613-968-4673
Information on protecting your pets
Livestock Investigator - Kevin Baker - 613-847-7784
Librarian – Shannon Ruttle - 613-478-1066
Library Location - 230 Metcalf St., Tweed
Individuals who submit letters and other information to Council should be aware that any personal information contained within their communications may become part of the public record and may be made available to the public through the Council Agenda process.
Individuals who require accessibility support for any documents, publications, reports, web pages, or any other Municipal service should contact Gloria Raybone, CAO/Treasurer for accommodations to be made.