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Monday Oct. 14 - 2024
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Asset Management


Asset Management Plan for the Municipality of Tweed. 

Strategic Asset Management Policy

The purpose of asset management planning is to ensure investments are made in our infrastructure at the correct time, in order to minimize future repair and rehabilitation costs.  Using data-based decisions, the Municipality strives to ensure a level of acceptable service is being met across all infrastructure assets.


This type of infrastructure strategy will now be required for any Municipality seeking Provincial capital funding as of December, 2013.  The plan will complement capital funding applications, highlighting how proposed projects fit within the scope of asset management at the Municipal level.

Asset Management will:

  • Improve performance and control of levels of service
  • Improve financial planning for maintenance and replacement
  • Improve risk management strategies
  • Improve safety of those using municipal assets
  • Ensure sustainable performance and planning

The elements that will be included in the Municipality of Tweed's Asset Management Plan are:

  • A state of local infrastructure
  • Desired levels of service for infrastructure
  • An plan to manage our Municipal assets
  • A financing strategy

For more information on Asset Management Planning and the new Provincial Strategy click here.