Closed Meeting Investigator
The Municipality of Tweed has appointed the AMO Local Authority Services (LAS) for Closed Meeting Investigations.
The Ontario Municipal Act allows for any person to request that an investigation be undertaken respecting whether a municipality, local board, or a committee of either, has complied with the closed meeting rules contained within Section 239 of the Act.
LAS has offered this service to Ontario municipalities since 2008. To deliver the required investigation services, LAS has contracted a third part, Aird Berlis. It maintains a roster of experienced and trained individuals located across Ontario to provide required investigative services at the most reasonable cost.
Closed Meeting Investigation Request Form
Investigation Request Process:
1. File a written request for investigation with the Clerk of the Municipality.
2. The Municipality sends the request and background documentation to the Investigator (Aird Berlis).
3. Initial review by Investigator will result in decision to proceed, or not proceed - with a reason, or withdrawal of request.
4. If decision is to proceed, investigation is completed.
5. Draft report filed and peer-reviewed by Investigator.
6. Final report prepared and submitted to Council or Local Board.
7. Report is made public by the Municipality.