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Monday Oct. 14 - 2024
Wednesday Oct. 16 - 2024

Municipality of Tweed Parks and Recreation Master Plan

The Municipality of Tweed is excited to launch its Parks and Recreation Master Plan. This extensive and cooperative project is designed to steer the future growth, improvement, and long-term sustainability of parks, trails, and recreational facilities. Tweed is committed to ensuring that these community resources thrive for years to come.

About the Project

The Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP) is a strategic initiative to enhance the parks, recreation facilities, and programs in the Municipality of Tweed. This plan will provide a framework to help staff and Council make decisions that best reflect the community’s needs and interests, while managing financial and staffing resources.

The PRMP focuses on:

  • Accessibility and inclusivity
  • Park, trail, and facility enhancements
  • Community engagement and communication
  • Recreational programming and events
  • Maintenance and management

Project Approach

This project will take place over two (2) phases:

Phase 1: Information Gathering & Background Report

In this phase the consulting team will be visiting local parks and recreational facilities, reviewing relevant documents, researching trends in the recreational sector, and engaging the community through one-on-one interviews with key stakeholders, focus groups sessions and a community survey. The goal is to capture current processes and practices, understand community interests and needs, and external influences. This phase will wrap with a Background report that will be presented to Council in early fall.

Phase 2: Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan

At this time, the consulting team will create a series of goals and corresponding actions that reflect the information gathered through the first phase. It will include the analysis and development of recommendations, alignment with corporate and community priorities, a framework for implementation. The full Parks and Recreation Master Plan will be made available for public review and comment to ensure the final plan is truly indicative of community priorities.  The final plan will be presented to Council in late 2024 for adoption.

Stay Informed

Be sure to follow this page and watch for regular updates as this project progresses over the next year. The first phase will involve gathering the community’s perspective through an online survey. Stay tuned for its launch and make sure to participate.

Be a part of shaping a vibrant, active, and healthy community with us!

Community Survey

Have your say! The Community Survey is now open. Please take a moment to complete the survey and let us know about your thoughts related to recreation services in the Municipality of Tweed.  

Municipality of Tweed Parks and Recreation Master Plan Community Survey (

July 31, 2024 - Community Survey