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Age Friendly Tweed

To build on our Dementia Friendly Tweed plan the Municipality of Tweed is beginning the public consultation phase for our Age Friendly Plan. Our five guiding principles for building an age-friendly community are:

  • Respect and support for all citizens
  • Access and inclusion for all citizens
  • Community engagement in decision making
  • Livability
  • Accountability

With these principles in mind we are working on data collection – community interviews and public consultation.  On March 24th we will be holding a world cafe.  This session will be designed to brainstorm on the 8 World Heath Organization domains 

1. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
2. Transportation
3. Housing
4. Social Participation
5. Respect and Social Inclusion
6. Civic Participation and Employment
7. Communication and information
8. Community and Health Services

Along with the world café we will have a survey that residents can fill out and submit.  All responses coming from the surveys and café discussion will be analyzed and used to create an Age Friendly Plan that best addresses the needs of our community.

If you are interested in taking part in the Age Friendly Café RSVP to jenniferg@tweed.ca or by calling 613-478-2535 by March 17th.  Register Early - Space is limited.