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Storm Update August 8

The Municipality of Tweed is still in a State of Emergency and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. The emergency control group continues to meet and are in a transitional stage. We have moved from the initial emergency response and are working towards addressing the remaining hazards. Once these hazards have been addressed, we will move into the recovery stage.

The current fire status is very high, and as a result of the tornado, there is a significantly increased risk of wildfires. A restricted or full fire ban is expected to be implemented tomorrow, August 9th if the area does not receive sufficient rainfall. Please continue to watch our website and media posts for when the ban starts. You can always refer to www.tweedfire.ca for the fire status update as well as our municipal page www.tweed.ca.

In addition, the Municipality is opening up some property at the end of Quarry Street in Actinolite (located off of Bridgewater across from 34 Bridgewater Road) specifically for those impacted by the tornado. This lot can take brush and wood chips. Affected residents can take these brush materials there to the new driveway on the end of Quarry Street on the right-hand side starting Thursday, August 11th. Please note, no garbage, construction materials or other items are to be placed at this site, brush only. The Tweed Fire department will arrange for controlled burns of this excess brush on this property once it is safe to do so.

Anyone who is looking for help in moving the brush, the Municipality can provide a list of local and semi-local contractors with these capabilities.

We urge motorists to utilize caution when driving on the roads in the affected areas. Many trees were compromised from the storm and in high winds may continue to fall onto roadways.

The Municipality has met with the Ministry for assessment of property damages due to the tornado. The Municipality is still waiting for a response from the Minister of whether the Disaster Relief Assistance for Ontarians funding will be available for those affected for their principal dwellings without insurance. If you are interested in seeing the full eligibility criteria, please go to https://www.ontario.ca/page/apply-disaster-recovery-assistance.

The Municipality is overwhelmed with the amazing support we have received from several volunteer organizations, including Team Rubicon Canada, Mennonite Disaster Services and Christian Aid Ministries. These crews of amazing volunteers have assisted several residents and property owners in managing the brush debris on properties. The Municipality wishes to send their appreciation for this work.

Any additional residents or property owners requiring immediate assistance to clear brush from driveways and homes should reach out to the Municipal office at 613-478-2535 or by e-mail to info@tweed.ca and the Municipality will forward on the request to any remaining volunteer groups in the area. Please note that the response e-mail previously used for Team Rubicon Canada has now been closed for the Tweed disaster relief.