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Monday Oct. 14 - 2024
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Official Plan Review

The Official Plan provides goals, objectives, policies, and procedures to guide the physical development of Hastings County, while having regard for relevant social, economic, and environmental matters.  The Official Plan guides growth and physical change in the County, implements infrastructure improvements, protects and enhances natural resources, and conserves cultural heritage resources. The policies and objectives of the Official Plan help shape the future of Hastings County, which is important to everyone who lives, works, or plays here.

Draft Official Plan

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) is the approval authority for the County of Hastings Official Plan. The new Official Plan will direct growth and meet the needs of Hastings County, ensure consistency with provincial policy, regulations and have regard for matters of provincial interest.

The Provincial Policy Statement requires that when council prepares an official plan, it shall be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014 and conform to, or not conflict with any applicable provincial plans. The “shall be consistent with” rule means that a council is obliged to ensure that policies under the Provincial Policy Statement 2014, are applied through the land use planning decision-making process.

As part of the review process the County wants your input; in addition to providing comments on their web site, there will also be open houses and a public meeting.  

Dates for Public Meetings

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