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Media Release

Media Release – March 25, 2020

Tweed COVID-19

Tweed, ON – The Municipality of Tweed continues to monitor the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as issued by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Municipality of Tweed wishes to release the following information to the community:

Message from Mayor Jo-Anne Albert

 We want to thank our community for their diligent efforts in helping prevent the spread of COVID-19.  Thank you to our front line medical and retail workers in our community who have been supporting all of us during these trying times. Thank you to our residents who continue to practice social distancing and are lending a helping hand to those in our community who need it most

Property Tax, Water & Sewer and Dog Tag Renewals

Municipal Council passed a resolution at last night’s Council meeting that they would extend the due date for Property Taxes from March 31st to May 29th.  Dog Tags will also remain at $15 until May 29th.  Water & Sewer bills will be going out the beginning of April.  They will be due May 29th instead of April 30th.

For those who are experiencing financial difficulties, the Municipality offers monthly payment plans allowing you to spread your yearly taxes into smaller monthly payments.  Forms can be found on our website https://tweed.ca/formsc5.

Seasonal Residents

For our seasonal residents who have chosen to spend this time in our area we ask you to please self-isolate appropriately for 14 days. We have amazing service providers and businesses in our area who will help you get the supplies you need, but we are asking that everyone do their part to physically distance themselves as recommended by Public Health. The stress that the next few weeks will place on our first responders is going to be significant, and we all need to do our part to reduce that strain.

Sewer and Septic Safety

Please refrain from flushing paper towel, sanitary products or wipes down your toilet. These products are not designed to be flushable and should be placed in your garbage. 

Quinte Waste

Recycling is not cancelled. If you are being quarantined due to recent travel or have potentially been exposed to COVID-19, please put your recycling out after your quarantine is complete.

Municipal Parks and Playgrounds

We are closing all public playground equipment on recommendation of the Hastings Prince Edward Public Health.  Please continue to enjoy our walking paths while practicing social distancing at a minimum distance of six feet.  For residents who have travelled outside of Canada and are in the 14 day mandatory isolation you must stay active on your own personal property.  This is the advice of the Hastings Prince-Edward Health Unit.

Municipal Office

The Municipal Office remains closed to the public, but staff are still working.  Staff remain available to respond to inquiries and can be reached at 613-478-2535.

Burn Ban

As of, March 19, 2020 a total burn ban is in effect for the Municipality of Tweed, including open air burning.  Two factors have played a role in protecting public safety

1. We have been experiencing both dry conditions and heavy wind gusts, which is common for this time of year.

2. With the implications of COVID-19, safety of our volunteer firefighters, and the potential for a reduced availability of firefighters because of COVID-19, the ability to fight a fire could be significantly reduced at this time.

COVID-19 Websites for Updates

Municipality of Tweed tweed.ca

Hastings Prince Edward Health Unit - hpepublichealth.ca/the-novel-coronavirus-2019ncov/

Ontario Government www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus

Canadian Government www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html

If you require additional information or have questions not answered by this release please contact the office at 613-478-2535 and we will direct you to the appropriate resource.  Please find updated municipal information on our website www.tweed.ca.

Jo-Anne Albert, Mayor Municipality of Tweed